Cic Credit Monitoring
Ripoff difficult to get any answers falsely charging on card

Business & Finance

Having problems with this company like many others.
I supposedly received a free credit repot on line, but then they threw in a hidden charge.

I found this out and immediatly called to cancel. The person on the phone said no problem and that they would credit my card.

I figured that was the end of that. But one year later I got another charge on my card, same amount, 79.95.

I called them and received the biggest runaround I have ever heard of. I tired to get someone in charge but they said they can not find anyone.

Called my bank, (Bank of America) to let them know what's going on, they told me that I am not the first to be calling about this problem.

I hear there is a class action lawsuit in the works, but need more people to get this thing going... We need to stop these people... Now!!!

Company: Cic Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
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CIC Credit Monitoring
Unauthorized charge Internet

Itoring - CIC Credit Monitoring - Consumerinfo
CIC Credit Monitoring ripoff fraudulent billing, liars, dishonest, take advantage of honest people, Consumerinfo

CIC Credit Monitoring AKA rip-off! Charging my bank a monthly fee, unauthorized

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CIC Credit Monitoring

CIC Credit Monitoring
Fraudulent ripoff business Nationwide

CIC Credit Monitoring
Fraudulant charge to credit card

CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff CIC Credit Monitoring wont stop charging my card

Cic Credit Monitor Svc
Ripoff, did not know I was purchasing, charged to my credit card w/o my approval consumer rip-off fraud

CIC Credit Monitoring
CIC Credit Monitor Rip-off - Consumer Beware of Fraudulent Billing