Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Wells Fargo Bank is trying to steal my house, Des Moines, Baltimore, Charlotte, Maryland, Iowa, North Carolina

Business & Finance

First of all, please do not use any information I have given in this report to contact Wells Fargo concerning my specific situation. It will only make matters much worse for me. I stand to lose my home.

I only have four years left of payments on our family home, and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has actually attempted to steal my house. What happened is, they offered to help out with my slow payment situation, and instead of some sort of financial loan or something, they sent me papers authorizing an "early sale" of my home. Now that falsehood is on my record that I attempted to sell my house. When I expressed outrage and told them I never wanted to sell my house and never will, they then put a second falsehood in my record that I changed my mind about the early sale of my home, implying I wanted to sell it in the first place.

If you are getting ready to sign on with these people, listen to me very carefully. Do not have any dealings with these people whatsoever. They are illegal, immoral, and downright frightening. Eventually the Federal Government will catch up with them and put them in the penitentiary where they belong for what they have done to my peace of mind, my sense of freedom, and the attempt to steal all my worldly possessions. If I could pay them off my $17,000 balance today to end any connection with them, I would sell everything I had to do it. But I am poor and have nothing. Worse yet, I did not myself sign on with Wells Fargo. They took over my note from my local bank when they went under. My life has been a living hell ever since then.

On the one or two previous occasions I was late with a payment, used to be I could call in at my local bank and tell them I was going to be late, and they thanked me for the courtesy, extended the due date, and that was the end of it. Now if I am going to be late, Wells Fargo then puts me on a red flag list and calls me continuously with a computer recording, they put people on the phone who are not willing to reason, they send me weekly default notices that lump together the late payment plus nonexistent upcoming payments as the amounts I must pay or I will be in default and they will sell my house. They have even sent people by my home to make sure I'm still living here, in anticipation of selling my house. I've been living in this town for more than 20 years, for crying out loud! I am older, I am not well, and I'm not going anywhere at this point in my life. I've only got four years left to pay off this house, and they think I'm going to move? I may be poor, but I'm not stupid. These are n'er-do-wells of the very worst sort.

I cannot tell you the fear and utter terror I feel at the prospect of losing my home, especially when I have paid dutifully all these years, and because of an obviously unplanned, difficult illness of recent months, I may lose everything that means anything to me. I am afraid I will actually die of a heart attack on the phone with them. So I have stopped taking their calls, stopped all contact with them. I continue to make my payments as best I can, even though I am under the care of a physician, in the midst of trying to get disability so I can get some money to keep up my payments with these folks. I spend every day working at any job I can find, even though I am not well enough to do it, in an effort to pay these people. I have been through a dozen jobs in the last several months, trying to scrape together what I can to pay them, because, you see, I can't hold down a job, so my jobs don't last long. I have borrowed money from relatives to pay them. I have sold the only painting I owned, which meant everything to me, and I sold an old collection from childhood, and I have even sold my car. The whole thing is a nightmare. I am doing my very best, but that's not good enough for them.

What they don't realize is that I will NEVER sell my house to them. I would commit suicide on the front porch during any auction they held. And I would kill anyone who tried to enter my home, period. I would sell my house to the mob before I would let Wells Fargo take my house. At least they are smart enough not to destroy the one item that will continue to make them money, so they cut your leg off if you don't pay, instead of taking your house. What Wells Fargo also doesn't realize is that I would take on 10 times their rate (7-1/8 is my rate), just to pay off the measily $17,000 I still owe them.

At the moment, I am only one payment late, and already I have received their usual threatening letter, two phone calls that (a) woke me up in the evening from a much-needed sleep and (b) scared me half to death on a Saturday morning with their unexpected call. I just talked to these folks a week ago, to explain my payment was coming, that I was sorry it was late, but to please be patient. They ignore all this. You get on a red flag list and they never stop coming. So, I have come online to send them an email, asking them to stop calling me again, and that's when I came across this website.

Beware to anyone who thinks they should sign on with them. And if anyone out there has any ideas as to how to get rid of these people, I am open to anything reasonable. I mean, my credit is ruined, so I can't apply for a loan. I have tried and been refused. I used to have a perfect credit record up until the last few months when I got sick. Even a local lender who has lent to me before won't touch this. I would ALMOST sell my house, just to pay them off, just to end all this, but that's what they want, so I will never sell my house. I would actually be happy to move into a condo with a pool just to be rid of those people, but almost every memory I have that's worth keeping is in this house.

Am I at the stage where I wonder if I should have a public real estate lawyer declare bankruptcy for me, just to protect the house? How does that work? Is there a lender who will take sick people who are just four years from paying off a loan? Should I sell my house to the Federal Government and then rent it from them for a $1 a day or something? I mean, are there arrangements I can make to stop Wells Fargo? I will take any helpful suggestions at this website from anyone. Thank you, "ripoff report" for this venue, to vent my frustration. Sincerely, an older lady who never hurt anyone who is married to a Vietnam Vet who doesn't have anything either

Asheville, North Carolina

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 5401 W Kennedy Blvd Suite 600
Phone: 8002625294
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