Direct T V
Overcharging and false adjustments

Business & Finance

I've had Immediate T V since April. I've been getting a statement twice per month. I'd requested simply the fundamental package. I've been billed for deals that used to do not request. I've a reading impairment, nor watch television frequently. I simply wanted THE FUNDAMENTAL programing. I've been billed for issues I've never heard about. Primary T V usually comes with an answer why I'm charged extra. Our service can't operate since I want this device or that support. USED TO DO NOT NEED THIS OR THAT gear!!! USED TO DO not need or requested for this additional support.

I'd named and requested to talk to a boss. I had been informed that their isn't any boss. When I needed to talk to somebody in control that I ought to create this notice AND PERHAPS somebody within the top workplace may react. NO BODY IN CONTROL AT DIRECT TV!!! NO ADMINISTRATORS!

Just how many more individuals on IMPAIRMENT is Immediate T V wrongly receiving???

I've been informed Month after Month that my statement could be modified. No evidence of that since 5. All of the people do is reply the telephones and create fake guarantees that you simply providers may be modified. Lets provide the careers to National people AND PERHAPS they'll have the ability to really do anything for that National clients. I expected for evidence and that I UNDERSTAND I'll get NONE!!!

Company: Direct T V
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: North East
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Direct TV
Installer thefts

Direct TV
Agreement break

Direct TV
Billing for Services not ordered or received

Direct TV
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Direct TV
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Overcharging and refusing to fix it

Direct TV
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Lack of Customer Service

Direct TV
Billing Issues

Direct TV
Billing for movies not ordered