Emerge - Providian
Emerge/Providian ripoff Where are the bills?

Business & Finance

I can't believe this! I thought there was something fishy going on, but couldn't get any answers.

A company began calling us about a week ago. They asked for my mother and when I informed them she wasn't at home, they hung up. My mother was out of town for a week. Within that week, Emerge called our house 10-12 times per day.

My mother had an account with Providian about a year ago, but closed out the account 6 months ago. Emerge claims it has taken over all billing for Providian. I have yet to see a bill!

I cannot speak to any supervisors and noone will answer my questions. They're ripping my mother off!!!

I did find an adress for those of you looking:
Emerge Mastercard
2405 Commerce Ave.
Suite 300
Duluth, GA 30096

CEO's name is Mr. David Hanna
Customer Serv. Manager is Ms. Gwen Clark

If there is a suit being brought about for this bunch of garbage, I'm all in.

Company: Emerge - Providian
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Duluth
Address: 2405 Commerce Ave. Suite 300
Phone: 8885222278
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