MBNA America Bank, N.A
Is a rip-off! They would not credit my account when I purchased a product that was a fraudulent tax schem

Business & Finance

I purchased a business plan from NADN (National Audit Defence) when I found out these people where being sued by the Department of Justice because of fraudulent activity; I called MBNA to cancel my purchase in the time frame of canceling a fraudulent purchase. They denied my request.

I feel that MBNA is as bad as NADN and should be investigated. I am reporting them to the Federal Trade Commission.

Company: MBNA America Bank, N.A
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Phone: 8006342927
Site: www.mbna.com
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MBNA Worldpoints

Mbna America
Ripoff deceptive fraudulent lies

MBNA America
Consumer fraud ripoff

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MBNA America
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