Guardian Group LLC
Fraud and Scam

Business & Finance

Worried in Arizona

It's with much enjoyment that people have discovered out the primary creators/perpetrators of the Protector Team primary reduction plan have now been found guilty as billed of numerous offenses to take benefit of unsuspecting homeowners in Arizona and other claims. Lastly some closing in what's ended up to be always a terrible injustice of getting cash in the people who might least afford it. Bryan Prehoda and Luis Belevan is likely to be achieving the sentencing faze of the envolvement in conning several homeowners out-of huge amount of money and today it's time for you to spend the piper. They'll be sentenced in late January which you'll find out the precise day by visiting www.justice. Gov/usao/arizona/news.html to discover the facts of the situation against them-and sentencing times.

It will offer some solice to the ones that were scammed by these lowlfe *#@ openings and ideally you will see some type of restitution? For your patients. These useless bastards were functioning for greater than a year and drew so much cash in the pockets of marine homeowners which were simply searching for some support. The fake claims they created were countless and today ideally the surfaces may sentence them towards the max period permitted for thier crimes.

If some of you available were suffering from the corporation or the different scammers like Double Creek Mortgage LLC; Atlantic Good LLC[california] in addition to many more that went cons of the comparable character you are able to google search the different titles of ther businesses to see who the main people were in these fraud businesses. I'd wish that others available which are considering or are working businesses that victim about the naive take attention watching your butt since the Feds and Bank business is viewing and you'll all drop in fires.

Thank God somebody ultimately finished this chaos for that great of individuals which have been cheated.

Company: Guardian Group LLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona
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