Access General Insurance
Refusing to Take Responsibility

Business & Finance

On 06/22 i was in the drive-thru at Jack in The Box, on West Imperial Hwy Figuroa. I was behind several other cars in line at the drive through when Ms. Lyslie G. Backed into my car and stop and rolled her window down and said "oh i just bumped you." And she took off out of the Jack in The Box parking lot as i was checking the damage on my car.

My 14 year old grand daughter brought to my attention that she recognized the driver as a employee there. At that time i went to the door to speak to a manager to get her information but by the inside being closed now the manager informed me when the police arrive they will give them her information. They did so and the police officers contacted her and made her return to the incident. And be cause it was a hit and run i was unable to exchange information with her. The police handle all information and informed me ther would be no problem because there are 3 tapes of the incident in the parking lot.

Ms. G. Tried to deny hitting me but the officers took pictures of the paint of of my car onto her car in which they said shes only making it worst for herself. So and now Access General is informing me that they can not obtain the police report and someone from LAPD is telling her that the driver was listed as a witness. Which i have and Access General has the face sheet of the poice report there are no witnesses listed.

I just want my car fixed they already sent an adjuster out to my residence and they just keep trying to give me the run around. And one other thing on my way home after the accident, because of the impact of her hitting me, my hood flew up and was damaged and windsheild cracked. I need this matter resolved so that i can drive my car and do what i need to do so i can drive it. I had just purchased the car and have yet to be able to enjoy it. She damaged my axel it has been undrivable and i need my car fixed. She hit me and ran and i know theres a law against that. She gave false information to the police. She told them she was insured by 21st Century to avoid responsibility for her actions. I'm feed up, i want them to take responsibility for there policy holder! I would so appreciate any assistance i can get to resolve this matter.

Company: Access General Insurance
Country: USA
Address: PO Box105143 Atlanta GA 30348-5143
Phone: 8667476931657
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