Diversified collection services, inc

Business & Finance

On October I approached the stated collection company to determine why I had been getting characters from their store i offered them the consideration notice mentioned within the notice and informed them I offered way too many figures nevertheless when I informed subsequently woman I had been talking with which was that which was within the notice she subsequently requested for my ssn# and he or she was not able to discover me within their program and requested for that title about the notice but still she could not think it is so she requested for my married name and also the same task, I had been subsequently presented the amount Towards the Dept. Of Training and that I offered them the required data. Required and was told I had been not within their system for owing anything on my 2 figuratively speaking and so I called back the collection company and experienced the exact same actions again the same not within their program, I waited and time and made it happen again and all a am within the system is not that unusual after 2 calls am all a quick discovered I requested to talk to a boss and was handed the run-around, I called back the Dept. Of Training and also the child I spoke to informed me that my 2 loans have been reduced in March of why am I getting characters in the intimidating to take my earnings which I have to create an cost, I requested the child I talked to did they make use of this company and he explained they did and that I advised that of the things they were doing.

Company: Diversified collection services, inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Livermore
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Diversified Collection Services
Diversified collection services are an abusive scam company

Diversified Collection Services INC
A performant company I received a letter from DCS Diversified Collection Services, saying I owned $127. To New Mexico Tax and revenue dept. I called them and I asked them what this was for and they didn't explain why t Internet

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