National Union Fire Insurance Co
Chartis insurance co. AND WELLS FARGO BANK Fraudulantly $24.90 a month deducted BY NUFIC from my bank account since Jan. 15

Business & Finance

This is my story and I,
Lana & declare that on August 19, I went to my Wells Fargo Bank to
deposit some money and I asked the teller about some of my current
transactions. The Wells
Fargo teller told me that I had a $24.90 monthly deduction going to NUFIC.
I asked, What is NUFIC? And the teller said that there was a phone number but
wasn't sure what NUFIC was and referred me to another Wells Fargo worker
who explained to me that as she looked up my bank account that NUFIC had deducted the $24.90 monthly
deduction for three months and that is the farthest that she could see and
moreover telephoned NUFIC for me and she was put on hold and
then further explained that NUFIC
was CHARTIS INSURANCE CO. I was very surprised and disappointed that I had
never heard of NUFIC and did not know why $24.90 monthly deduction was being
deducted from my account and how did NUFIC get my information? The only
answer that the Wells Fargo worker told me was that NUFIC was a third
party agent to Wells Fargo and that they did not need to get authorization
from me. Furthermore the Wells
Fargo worker explained to me that NUFIC and their telephone number
was on my monthly Wells Fargo
bank statements which I've neglected to look closer at
recently. Addionally as the Wells Fargo worker spoke to
a NUFIC worker by the name of Angelina Smith and I authorized both of
these workers to close down this $24.90
monthly deduction and stop this account immediately, asap.

On August 23 I received a letter from NUFIC stating that, " I elected to
enroll in accidental insurance plan by means of a telemarketing phone call.
This accidental insurance plan was offered to you as a valued customer of Wells
Fargo-DDA. Lana & gave express authorization to enroll for this accidental
insurance." I was very surprised and disappointed that this insurance
company was so... Dishonest. I never authorized NUFIC to deduct any monies ever
from my account. On Sept. 6 I spoke with a NUFIC worker, Debra
stating that I wanted an investigation into this fraudulant unauthorized
account and Debra said that they would look into it. I have not heard
from NUFIC yet. I have been speaking with several Wells Fargo workers
who two weeks ago filed a claim for me. Yesterday I received a letter saying
that my investigation was closed, thatNUFIC did not have my
authorization and that they had deposited $24.90
into my account. Additionally today I received my second letter from Wells Fargo saying that I could only
receive 60 days of a claim and that they deposited $74.00 into my account.
Moreover today I spoke to a Wells Fargo claims supervisor regarding their
improper investigation into not receiving my monies due from NUFIC. Wells Fargo claims supervisor claimed that she would get the
recorded message with my authorization from them and that it should only take 2
days to receive that. I informed her that I have been waiting since Aug. 19,
2011 for that recording and I told her good luck!

Company: National Union Fire Insurance Co
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: P.O Box 44260
Phone: 18008734908
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