PNC Bank
Bank Bad Bad Bad Customer Service

Business & Finance

Called PNC bank at the local branch in Newark NJ to get some help about my account, did not want to go into the bank because the 888# indicated that if I called the bank they could help me over the phone. When I called the young lady was unprofessional and could not help me and to even make matter worse she hung the phone up on me. I was so angry, I called back because I could not believe she hung up on me and can she started talking loud and being really unprofessional again. I was so angry that I indicated that I would be right there to the branch, I only work 2 minutes away. I went into the bank and guess what the staff was taking pictures with the security guard in the front and no one stated can I help you. I did eventually speak to the manager but at this point I was too upset and at a real disbelief of everything that had just accured. What happened to the days when people valued their jobs and gave great customer service. Those days are long gone. PNC Bank needs to better screen there staff because it's bad for business.

Company: PNC Bank
Country: USA
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