Debt Free Ventures
Approved loan never showed up after advance deposit made

Business & Finance

Was told I was approved for a loan that required a 10%deposit up front. Was told once my money was received I would receive check in about 5 business days. Money was picked up in Georgia by a women name Karen Ellis. Loan never received... Everytime I called was given the runaround four about a week, then they finally said the original lender pulled out because I did'nt list all my liabilities, I then asked for my deposit back and was told refunds are only given on the 1st of the month.

It has been two months, still no refund and original phnone number I had is now out of service. They are in the paper once again with a diffrent toll free number and diffrent names, however upon calling the new number I know these are the same gentleman from before. I then put in a bogus application with them wit fake everything and when i called back the next day I was told I was approved with the same terms I was originally told when I did it the first time.

This company is defintley scaming millions of people. I beleive they must be based in georgis because this is where they are having eeryone to send their deposits. Be Careful they were in my local newspaper under Finacial Services.

Company: Debt Free Ventures
Country: USA
State: California
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