Delta Funding - Ocwen Bank
Ocwen Loan Servicing deceitful banking practices, escrowed monies when was a 2nd Mortgage, charged fees, held checks caused loan to be in default when payments were made

Business & Finance

Delta Funding/Ocwen Financial Bank made a second mortgage and even when all payments were made they held checks, escrowed monies when there was a first mortgage paying the escrow, charged fees for no reason. Even after legal action was taken against them they did not correct the account and remove the fees. This spiraled into major problems with Delta who then gave the account to Ocwen. After years of fighting with this company they still have not corrected my account (even with a court order). Paying high interest rate and they won't correct my account so I cant refinance. Now they are holding my payments and not cashing the correct payments trying to collect on the fees. You cannot reach anyone over the phone, they only have PO. Boxes and no physical address. You cannot resolve your issues with them and even when you send the documentation, they do not correct the account. This is the worse Bank (if u can call the a Bank) I ever dealt with. They have unfair banking practices, are corrupt in their fee charges and have been sited by the government for their practices. Now u know if the government got involved they are shady. Since the government is in bed with the Banks/Wall street. This shows that this bank is corrupt. They are rip-off the consumer.


Company: Delta Funding - Ocwen Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: P.O. Box 785057
Phone: 18007462936
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