OCWEN Federal Bank FSB
Payments Posted Late Derogatory Credit Reporting dirty SOB's evil dirt bags

Business & Finance

My account was acquired by Ocwen Federal Bank in January due to my previous loan company, Empire Funding, filing for bankruptcy. Ever since Ocwen took over my account, payments have been posted late, payments never received and my account was put into a Forbearance Plan which I did not agree to. I also have been informed that Ocwen is reporting derogatory credit information to the 3 major credit bureaus.

Since my payments have been posted late and my account put into a Forbearance Plan which I DID NOT agree to, I have acquired very high late fees. I had to take money out of my life insurance policy to pay these late fees that this company says I owed.

I'm still getting default letters saying I am in default of my loan and owe over $300.00 in late fees. They are bleeding me dry!!!

The account I have with Ocwen is a 2nd mortgage account. I never had any problems with Empire Funding when they held this account. All of my problems started when my account went to Ocwen.

My husband and I filed for bankruptcy in 1999 and we reaffirmed on our account with Empire Funding and with the holder of our first mortgage. Empire Funding and Countrywide reported our accounts as in good standards with them to the 3 major credit bureaus. Ocwen is stating that we filed bankruptcy with them and that my account is a derogatory account. This is bringing my credit score down and turning potential lenders away.

I have spoken to numerous people at Ocwen regarding this fraudualant credit reporting and they are saying nothing.

This company treats us like we are common criminals. I pay my bills on time and have never had a problem with any of my other creditors. I don't know how much more I can take. I'm trying to get my account out of these terriosts hands.

I am all for the Class Action Lawsuite being filed against this company. COUNT ME IN!!!

Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Company: OCWEN Federal Bank FSB
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: 1675 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd
Phone: 8007462936
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