Delta Funding - Ocwen Loan Servicing
Delta Funding - Ocwen Loan - Wells Fargo Ripoff Predatory Lending

Business & Finance

My mother died an unhappy woman. She had to face bankruptcy and government assistance in her waining years. "Delta Funding / Ocwen Loan" brought her all this misery. She had to give up her happy and content lifestyle to:

She took to drinking, she started playing the (mail order) lotteries in vain hope to win the money to pay off the mortgage. She withdrew into a shell because of the anguish brought upon her by "Delta Funding / Ocwen Loan".

"Delta Funding / Ocwen Loan" convinced my mother to refinance her home at what we now recognize as outragously expensive interest rates. Her last loan from Delta was at 12.0%.

Delta representatives would arrive at the house with offers of easy mone, and convince my mother to sign ontracts putting her home as collateral for these loans.

All of this terror arose from Delta's aggressive sales tactics.

My mother owned her own home before "Delta/Ocwen" entered into her life, and she had the &700/mo. Fixed income to eat and enjoy her last years.

I was glad to hear about the class action lawsuit brought on by New York State Attorney General Elliot Spitizer. It was a landmark multi-million dollar settlement, but unfortunatly not everyone could benifit from it.

They need a lesson and severe punnishment. "Ocwen Loan & Delta Funding both work together remember this".

Company: Delta Funding - Ocwen Loan Servicing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
Phone: 8007462936
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