Morgan &Assocaties
Claiming that i owe money

Business & Finance

Someone keeps calling stating that i owe citibank cash for amoney move that never occurred and additional more I'd never actually utilized this consideration so when i approached the financial institution the stated they'd no idea what these were speaking and it has lately delivered me email and so I understand I don't owe this lender something today exactly the same individual is asking me and threatening me with jail-time and today I'm likely to contact the greater business burea and obtain a lawye

Company: Morgan &Assocaties
Country: USA
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Citibank/online banking
$6500 obtained from my account without my agreement

I think it is sad to treat people in this manner over a stupid mistake

Platinum Service
Withdrew Money out of an account I haven't even used yet

Citizen's Bank
Customer Service-Overdraft Fees
Cash paid, item not delivered!

Quentin Grandstaff
Denial of funds access

Bank of America

U.S. Bank

Unsatifactory Customer Service

GC Services
Employees don't know how to do their job!