First IRS
Harrassment of the worst kind

Business & Finance

These people have been harrassing me for almosta year, with nasty threats, telling me to contact my attorney, or have them contact me. That they are in the final stages of contacting the local authorities because I have committed fraud, and they will have me arrested. They always end with 'Good luck to you'. Sometimes they will call eight or ten times in a day, and even called my work.

I told them politely not to call my work and as soon as I hung up the woman called my house and left another message, threatening legal action. This has to be stopped, no matter what. They are persistent, and won't listen to reason. I cannot afford to pay anything to them, but they are determined to get 'blood out of a turnip'. I would file charges against them, but not sure what good it would do. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Company: First IRS
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 9898 Bissonnet St # 370
Phone: 17137772501
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Financial Accountability Associates
Steve Anderson, Kevin Peterson Company threating to take me too court on non-exiting internet loan. And making continuous harrassing phone calls

United Procesing Division
Threatening phone calls

United States Legal Investigation Bureau
Fraud, scamn, lying

Delmarva Capital

National Asset Recovery
Bogus Collection Agency

H&P Capital
Legal Mediation Practice This company has been harassing me for months. Today they called my place of business 4 times even though I told them the first time to stop calling. Largo

Collections Violation

Criminal Investigation of Finance
Threat of being arrested, job loss and life behind bars. They also said they would take my employer and friends to court

United Processing, Brian Thomas
This company treats people like crap and tells pure lies

David Morgan And Associates
Threatening and harrassing phones to my self and my employer palm Coast