Standard Bank
Accounts closed, but still getting charged

Business & Finance

IN December I shut my RCP account in addition to quit my facility service on my existing bill. Ever since then, the automated funds to pay for the RCP consideration (though I've not owed cash with this facilityin over annually) proceed to-go off my current-account and as well as that, I'm receiving chnarged for every end order prepared. I'm also being billed something charge for my oderdraft service that nolonger exists. I've immegrated to America about 7 years back with the full time variation it's difficult to contact Normal Bank constantly to solve conditions that they're accountable for.

Company: Standard Bank
Country: USA
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Bank One
Incompetant rip off morons who can't handle money

Bank of America
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Standard Bank
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CIC Credit Monitor
Ing Services ripoff artist all the way I cancelled and they charged me $80 for a $8 report Dont let it happen to you

They continue to fee us to death

Standard Bank
Seems like Standard bank staff are sleeping

US Bank
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53 Bank
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Washington Mutual Bank
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Bank Of America
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