Discount Web Member Site
Scammed me

Business & Finance

Discount Web Member Site (77ClubCS) withdrew $22.99 from my checking account. I did not authorize any such transaction, I have no ideal how they got my financial information. There is no phone or address information on the check so I have no way to contact them. THEY JUST TOOK MY MONEY! There should be a way these people can be stopped, it's outrageous how they can just dip into a persons money and be able to get away with it. Help me.

Company: Discount Web Member Site
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
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777 Discount Club
Withdrew $49.99 from my checking account without my consent!

T Mobile
AAA Scam

777 Discount Club, LLC
ZaZa Pay, LLC BEWARE of this site even if you do not go to it, it will take and/or steal $50 from you checking account from a 3rd party application that you did a year ago

FTD Flowers And Shopper Discount
FTD shared my credit card info with "Shopper Discount" who billed me!
Consumer Report

At Home Rewards - Passport To Fun
Unauthorized deductions from check card from both companies

Shopping Essentials
They signed me up for a monthly shopping discount service when I was ordering a specific set of exercise DVD's and I Did NOT authorize this addition. Nationwide

Liberty Discount Club - Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service - UclipUsave
Last chance cash advance self generated check, unsigned, unauthorized withdrawal from checking acct

Discount Shoppers
Shoppers Discount rip off

USFast Cash aka Liberty Discount Club
They charged me $49.98 interet fee