Lending Solutions inc
LSI Mortgage plus The bait and switch company

Business & Finance

I was called by Eric Swann about a refinance on myprimary residence. He said he would lock me in at 3.75% for 30 yrs. I was warned by other mortgage companies that LSI could not do that rate when everybody else were at 4.50%. After numerousphone calls to Mr. Swann with no return calls I finally contacted Dave Lincoln a week later which he said everything was set. He sent me a lock in email which went right to my spam folder which I thought was unusual. All their emails go to my spam folder. I should have stopped It then but was assured everything was on schedule. I mentioned a line or credit I had on the property numerous times but was assured by Mr. Lincoln that we could close the account at closing.

Another 2 weeks go by I called Mr. Lincoln twice and finally he called back to apologize that he was sick a needed an appraisal. I toldthem that I did not want the appraisal knowing that the lock in period was about to expire in about 1 week.

I was again assured the closing would be done before the expiration and If not Iwould be refunded the $445.00. Two days prior to closing Mr. Lincoln said they had a problem with the line of credit documentation and said Eric Swann would call me back.

Finally the day of expiration Eric Swann calls back to offer me a 15yr. Mortgage at a higher rate which I told him on day one That I was not interested. They had no intentions to sell me a 3.75% mortgage. They low balled the rate to get the customer in the door then they drag it on until it expires then they try to sell the customer a new mortgage at a higher rate. Now I am trying to get my $445.00 back!

Company: Lending Solutions inc
Country: USA
Site: mortgage-plus.com
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