Dynamic online solutions

Business & Finance

I am a single mother who is having a hard time to just make enough money for my bills and this company just tried to steal $49.98 from my account witch I didn't have and caused me overdraft fees of $34.97 and I can't pay my bills.

Company: Dynamic online solutions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: The Colony
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Fifth Third Bank
Excessive overdraft fees

Bank Of America
BofA NSF Charges Could Cost Me My Apartment! Ripoff, Jerks are monopolizing on consumers' hard earned money!

Wachovia acts in bad faith by debiting largest transactions first, maximizing overdraft fees or unavailable funds

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Ripoff fraudulent billing dishonest horrible business

Bank Of America
BofA Stolen funds investigation went nowhere, no recovery. No refund on HUGE overdraft fees ripoff

Bank Of America
Scam, Rippoff, Overdraft fees. Need to collect polls to take action against BOA USA bankofamerica.com Internet

Ank of america
Overdraft fees cheated me

Bank of America
Overdraft fees

Amsouth Bank
Legal Theives All Over National