United Financial Systems
This company is a strictly thieves

Business & Finance

I went to this company in March and they were prompt and helpful. But since march they have faithfully taken $366 per month out of my account but only paid my creditors three months. Now they will not even answer a phone call or return an email. They never srew up taking my money out but they can't seem to pay a creditor. Now I don't know where almost $2000.00 dollars is, not to mention that effects on my credit score!!!

Company: United Financial Systems
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Margate
Address: 1117 Banks Rd
Phone: 8005108765
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United Financial Systems
Ripoff did not pay creditors on time and refused to give back commitment fee

United Financial Systems
Stole funds that were to pay off debt consolidation Ripoff

United Financial Systems
Deceptive practices, poor customer service

ING Direct Of Toronto, Ontario And United Financial Systems Inc. Of Boca Raton, FL
ING Direct Of Toronto, Ontario And United Financial Systems Inc. Of Boca Raton, Florida Customer Nightmare

United Financial Systems
Did not pay my creditors for 3 months

United Financial Systems Inc
Debitted 3 months woth of payments from my checking account but failed to pay my creditors and wont give me my money back

United Financial Systems, inc
United financial made my credit worse

United Financial
Fraud - did not disperse our payments to creditors

United Financial Systems, Margate, FL
Company did not hold up their end of contract, withdrew money from my account but did not disburse payments to creditors

United Financial Systems
United Financial Systems I was a cliente, canceled due that they have taken my money and have not paid the credit card i owe, this happen twice in the past, this time they owe July, and august i have e-mailed them twice n