CIT Let me tell you about Veriquest. Last year my husband's employment reduced him to 3 Dec I was layed off. I requested a loan modification with Veriquest and faxed them all the information. Ove

Business & Finance

Let me tell you about Veriquest. Last year my husband's employment reduced him to 3 Dec I was layed off. I requested a loan modification with Veriquest and faxed them all the information. Over a month went by and they could not locate the fax. Sent them another one. Same thing happened. Sent them a registered letter and received the slip that was signed. They STILL couldn't find it. Months had passed and still NO modification. Sent them another fax. Finally they claimed to receive it but a few pages were blury. Sent them another registered letter. As a Pennsylvania licensed realtor I know that by law once you are 90 days late lenders can send you an ACT 91. (Forclosure). I was careful not to fall in that catagory yet Veriquest sent me 3 different notices claiming forclosure notice, and still no loan modification occurred. Finally they inform me I am not eligible because we have equity, sent back one of my payments DELIBERATELY placing me in the 90 forclosure timeframe. Next came a bigger shock. Over 4K balance due. My payments are 740.00. I was 2 months behind and now have unaccounted fees and costs to bring me current. I am going to my State Representative. This company needs to be sued for not only being a preditor lender, but unethical business practices to boot.

Company: Cit
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma CIty
Address: 715 South Metropolitan Ave
Phone: 18666500968
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