Nationwide Home relief
Altantic Legal Group Mortgage Modification Fraud

Business & Finance

We were 1 and 1/2 months behind and I was newly disabled after a complication post-surgical removal of a cancerous tumor and failed reconstruction. We saw an ad from Rob Ziebart of Broker of Taylor, Bean, and Whitaker out of Ocala for a loan modification. He sang a really good song, even called my dad to talk with him. He showed us "reports" from his friends that he helped. We had to pay 800 to Rob, the rest to Nationwide Home relief, to Kent Gross. Kent seemed very nice, we will help you. Yada Yada. Then after a few months of nothing, Rob even told me to stop call Kent so much, We get called in to sign a new legal form... I geuss this is when they changed to Atlantic Legal group. The mortgage bank were crooks themselves, they were a subsidary of Deutch bank and since they are overseas, they do not have to follow the US guidelines and REFUSED to work with us. So then we get a call from Megan Sunn, she's our new case manager. The mortgage guy called me and told me Kent Gross had been very nasty, sent a even nasiter letter then nothing for almost 6 months until Megan Sunn stepped in. Our HERO, right? WRONG! They let the house go into forecloser, even called us to say "DO NOT GO TO COURT" because they said they couldn't do anything until after it foreclosed.

So They did post-poned the first sale date, an attorney from Nationwide called us and asked if we would go into Bankrupcty. If that was the only way to keep our home, sure. She said someone from the bankruptcy division would call us. So I get a phone call from a guy who was speaking like he was hood trash, told him I was alseep and he needed to call back. He said he had the wrong number and hung up. A few weeks later we get a notice on our front door that the sale date went through and we were being evicted. When I called Megan Sunn, she said the guy told her we were not interested in bankruptcy (he confirmed this to me later) and she figured since we did not have anymore money for the bank, we did not want the place. Now around this time we had a 1000 water bill for a leak, 350 a month electric, and put up new blowin insulation in the attic 600. Why would I plant flowers if I intended to loose my home. We bought this home as a repo for 50000, after cost to fix the home, pay off medical bills from the cancer, the mortgage was 89000. So the home was worth 90000-110000 and in no way did we intend to let 5 years of hard work and labor go down the drain. I have an autistic son and the move just about fried him. We are now renters from a nieghbor, live in a mobile home (in Fl, yikes) but live in the country (yeah!). Our landlord is the most wonderful woman to exist, letting us have a mini farm, and encouraging us to expand our chickens. We just have to handle as much of the repairs and up keep as we can.

NAtionwide Home relief, Atlantic legal group, Kent Gross, Megan Sunn... I hate you and will not rest until you are so screwed yourself. I will get you back, I promise.

Company: Nationwide Home relief
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: 12777 W. Forest Hill Boulevard
Phone: 18002643017
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