Venetian Investment Firm LLC
Mark Anderson, Consultant I had $8,000.00 saved for my college tuition. Mark Anderson convinced me to invest it in a real estate deal with his company with a promise that in a week the property would close and I would get $12

Business & Finance

Om 03-09-10, Mark Anderson of Venetian Investment Firm, L.L.C. Convinced me to invest my $8,000.00 college tuitian money in a real estate closing deal saying that I would get beck $12,000.00 no later than 03-19-10. I am yet to get my money back.
When two weeks had gone by I contacted him and he said that my check had been sent to him via FedEx and that it had gotton lost but that another check would be mailed. Two weeks later he claimed that the second check had also gotten lost.
I call him multiple times a day and he responds about once a week saying that he will hand deliver my check to me but there is always some emergency that came up snd prevented him to come as planned.
I have asked him to send my check FedEx but he insist on hand delivering it but that hasn't happened yet. His plan is always to come to my house between 7:00 P.M. And 9:00 P.M. But for some reason he's always leaving from South Carolina and never reaches Atlanta.
Today 05-18-10, I reached him and he said that he was in S.C. And would be leaving around 6:00 P.M. And would be at my house by 9:00 P.M. But he never arrived

Company: Venetian Investment Firm LLC
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 595 Piedmont Avenue NE
Phone: 80346652146789133631
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Venetian Investment Firm LLC
Mark d. Anderson do not do business with venetian investment firm, llc in atlanta! Mark anderson is a crook!

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