Paypal Inc
Paypal FROZE my MOTHER'S account and my account, my eBay store is ruined

Business & Finance

I started on eBay in 1998 when my brother told me it was a good place to sell baseball cards. That was the year I was getting married and I ended up selling my entire collection, 8 huge boxes shipped UPS from Oregon to New Jersey to the same guy.

I received $1505.00 for my collection, enough to pay for our honeymoon later that summer. From 1999 to 2001 I used eBay to buy a thing or two a month, and I'd sell the occasional item I picked up at a garage sale cheap or if I got a gift from an aunt that I was never going to wear... Then in 2002 Champion, the sportswear store had an outlet store sale and I bought 10 NFL football jerseys for 5$ each. There were several big names, Jerry Rice, Brett Favre, ect... I listed those, and barely got back my money. Disappointed, I listed the final two jerseys, which were of not-too popular NFL players. Those two jerseys sold for $33 and 45$! I couldn't believe it, and then I figured it out. The popular players get their jerseys distributed all over the country, and there is plenty of supply to meet demand, but the scrub backup quarterback for the Chargers isn't going to sell many jerseys outside of his town, but he probably has fans all over the country who can't get his jersey, and those are the ones who will bid the items up.

So I started buying all the jersey for the worst players I could find, even kickers' jerseys! I then moved into basketball jerseys and soccer jersey. I'd drive 500 miles round trip in a day to pick up and pay for 400 jerseys in a single day, spend the following week listing and shipping them, and do it all over again. Then my sources dried up, the Champion Outlet store closed, so did a Sam Goody where I was getting DVD's cheap and flipping them.

I accepted a job selling cars. From 2007 I sold used cars. I was salesman of the month more times than not, but despite selling more cars than anyone else at the dealership year after year, I refused to make ANY customer pay full price.instead, I would tell them right off the bat to think of me as their agent, and if I couldn't get a deal done for them, then I didn't get paid. My wife and I (still married, it's now been almost 12 years) had another son, & with me working 80 hours a week, sometimes more, she said she was raising one son without a father and didn't want to make it two. So just like that, I left the car business. Walked away, didn't look back, even after offered a nice raise to return, it wasn't worth the strain on my integrity and my family.

So I slowly got back into eBay. Selling whatever I could find, liquidating years of things I collected. Making just enough to pay our bills. Nothing fancy. About a year ago, when money got tight for everyone, I started selling things for friends. Just to help them out. I sold a "Hello Kitty" waffle maker for a friend. It sold for close to $100. When I gave her the cash (I only took out the eBay seller fees) she cried. She was so excited, and was hoping to get $10 out of it. So she gave me some more stuff, and then she told about 10 of her friends. So within a couple months, I'm back to selling 10 new items a day for other people, taking a small cut out of each transaction. That was fine, but now I have two boys and a wife, an expensive rental house we live in (signed the lease when I was making more money being a car sales slave)

Then out of the blue, BAM. My eBay account is limited, I can't list new items. No outstanding disputes, feedback percentage of 99.8... And of course, they wouldn't tell me why. We do some figuring and one of my brothers had an old eBay account he didn't pay the closing fees on. It was I believe, $158.

So I asked if I could pay that for him, and restore my account, I didn't care about his. They said yes, and I transfered it to them via paypal.

One DAY LATER I'm limited again, & told I can't get a new account, or re-open this one, my eBay fees are due immediately, ect... So I try appealing, using common sense. My brother who lived with me in 1998 right before I got married, stiffed eBay for some seller fees, which I paid many years later, and because I was unfortunate enough to be related to him, NO ONE in my family can have an eBay account EVER again? What?

I asked how much money I paid eBay in fees the previous year, they wouldn't answer. But my bill ran between $200 all the way up to one crazy month when it was $800. I figured in the 10 years I had paid eBay something close to $40,000, and that was with taking some time off and not listing anything. Now

I still had people bringing me things to sell for them, which I couldn't because eBay banned my whole family, and these people had gotten used to me helping them out, so I did all that I could do, I would check eBay's completed auctions, and I would offer 50 cents on the dollar for what that item sold for in the past week or two. And I poured every cent I had into all sorts of items that are of value on eBay, electric airplanes, a collection of 300 DVD's (I paid $1.25 each for them) Portable DVD players, Columbia Ski outfits, hardly used wrestling shoes, a 32 inch TV brand new in the box, a Macbook Pro Laptop brand new in box with receipt, even a boat, a trailor that transported milk (which I sold to a guy who turned it into a water pump truck trailor used to fight fires with, which made me feed good and made me a few hundred dollars)

So the stuff piled up and I asked my friend, the same woman who cried when I sold her Hello Kitty Waffle maker for almost $100 and was honest with her and didn't take out some for myself, if I could "be partners" with her, and use her eBay account, which was over a year old and had a score of 11.

Karma paid off for me, of course she let me. And I started to list those items again, raised enough money to take the next step, which was telling my wife and family and all my friends, that I was starting basically an eBay store here in my hometown.

No more people showing up at my house at all hours to have me look up what I could give them for stuff, no more answering my cell phone 20 times a day offering quotes on things that people are trying to decide if they should sell it or not. An actual storefront, with display cases, windows, a neon OPEN sign, even its own bathroom. I didn't copy anyone elses material, in fact, I never once looked at how anyone else did it so I wouldn't be stealing anyone elses idea, I came up with my own contract, and I'd either offer to buy things for 50% of it's value on the spot, or I'd list it for them and take a cut of 25% of the item's final sold price, but people wouldn't get their money for 8-10 days.

So I purchase a new computer, signed a 2-year lease at $450 a month for the store, buy display cases, that Neon sign, a large sign for outside the store, registered with the state of Oregon for a business license, with the city for the sign permit, and business license for operating within city limits.

I am decorating the store, literally set to open officially within a week and BANG. Another eBay account suspension, they IP hit me when I did some work from home, rather than at the store. I wasn't aware of the IP thing...

Ok, so how in the world can I make this work now?

Do I have to find a business partner and use his info? Should I try to sign up in my 10-year old's name and social, can I use the new business that I set up's Tax ID number? You would think I could start this business under the TAX ID number, especially when it has a differnet location, name, bank account, ect...

But then yesterday, the worst part.

They froze my paypal account. Somthing like $1200.00 in there, more actually.

And I had made a $500 transfer to my account earlier in the week, they REVERSED that back into my account!!!

I talked to them, and in 180 days, yep, in 6 months they will release the money to me. What about the auctions I had going with furious bidding on them? DELETED by eBay. What about the people who owe me money for items they won and now can't pay because Paypal has limited that feature? You have to write them and tell them you are sorry was the response I got. Now I have an empty store, twice the bills I did a couple months ago, I'm TRYING to support my family, and take care of others by paying double what the pawn shops pay them.

I would go down and take a picture of my empty store for you, but it just bums me out. The first time I got back on eBay, I treated it like a fragile egg. Everything was shipped by the next day, I listed my most valuable stuff FIRST, in case they ever decided to limit me again. You would think eBay would WANT to do business with someone like me, especially now that I have people asking me to sell their items for them several times a day.

Maybe I could send them my rental agreement for the store? Sure I can get yet another account in another name, but what about when this happens while I'm open, what could I do then? When you sell an item for someone else, they generally look up that item constantly, a couple times a day at a minimum.

What about when eBay ends all the auctions, what will I tell my customers? And even now, with my money siezed, rent due, each DAY I'm not on eBay costs me another $50 in debt that I can't crawl out of.

My father is a missionary in Singapore. My mother is the faithful pastor's wife. "There's no grace with this company, is there?" she said to me yesterday.

And yes, THIS STORY GETS WORSE... Because I'd transfered her and my dad money in the past couple months for their Bible distribution efforts, their paypal account was locked with close to $1,000 in it.

Now Paypal is seizing money meant to spread the gospel to those in communist countries.

Why? Because they're obviously related to me. My mom called them, shocked. "Even while I was on hold with paypal they said, think of us as a safety deposit box, well, what safety deposit box would hold onto your stuff for 180 days and terminate the agreement on a whim just because someone in your family made some wrong choices?

People can declare for bankrupcy, buy a new house and car and get credit cards 6 months after a bankrupcy. And here we are, paying for our past mistakes in full, and unable to catch a break. I haven't slept a wink since yesterday's discovery of all my auctions ended, my funds seized and my mom and dad's missionary money siezed, in full, not just what I sent them... I have all these bills, my store which sits empty ready to go, I just can't open and be paying for items with no place to sell them... Keep me in your prayers if you will.

God Bless. You are absolutely powerless if Paypal decides to hijack your funds, and eBay and Paypal share ALL their info, and track your personal computer through cookies.

Company: Paypal Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Address: 2211 North 1st Street
Phone: 4083767400
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Ebay, Paypal. Comebay ripoff, scam, rip off, screw, fraud, fraudulent billing

Freezing funds

Ripoff overcharges dont sell on ebay

The Are Thieves Liers Sacaming Evil Motherf

Ebay, ebay store, matloo
Took money, didn't ship item

Do Not Attach your paypal account to Ebay!

Limited my Account Due to Ebay ripoff

Ebay Scam

Ebay / Paypal
Internet crooks. Near impossible refund policy. Hotbed for scammers

Seller fees are a ripoff! Never received an invoice and was charged $153! They let fees pile up then charge you $200! Beware! Ebay is a scam!