Crescent Processing Company
Changed bank accounts but Crescent continued depositing money in my old one

Business & Finance

I recently had an issue with the bank I had been with for 25 years and without completely going off on a tangent, suffice to say they were fleecing me for a year and a half and I never even suspected them. Upon finding out, I changed my business account over to Citibank, who came recommended to me. I did this on a Tuesday, before my weekend credit card sales are deposited (Wednesday).

I spent all afternoon getting everything squared away with Crescent so as to make sure that the $800 of cc sales from the previous weekend made it to my new bus account because I knew if my old bank got it, I was unlikely to see it.By 4:30 that afternoon, I was indeed assured that the deposits would be routed to my account at Citibank.

A week and a half passed and I had to log on to my old account to find a check I had forgotten to write down in my ck register. Not only did my money from that weekend make it to the wrong account, Crescent continued to deposit into it for a whole freaking week. Then, when they realized they made an error, did they call me? Shit no. They just started putting it in my new account like they were hoping I wouldn't notice. I called these morons and was on hold for 1/2 an hour before some smartass supervisor gets on the phone to explain to me they had forgotten a detail. I said "ya, no shit." I explained to him they had deposited $2240 into a account at a bank with whom I DID NOT have a good relationship. And you know what he said?"I'm sorry." I said F your sorry, that doesn't put any money in my pocket does it? And he replied that he could put in a debit request. Hahahahaha. Never happen. That money is gone because these incompetent assholes are incapable of doing their jobs. As a single dad, who is struggling to make it, I needed that money but because of their stupidity, my son and I are having to get by with less. Put me in the same room with one of these pricks and I bet I beat their ass. "I'm sorry." Unbelievable.

Oh and I noticed a rebuttal from one of their uh, highly competent employees on here claiming that competitors file false reports on here just to make them look bad. Here's my business ph number: 325-692-6550. Pizza Pro. 5194 Buffalo Gap rd. Abilene, Tx. This is not bogus. And neither are any of the complaints on here about them. They're just attempting a little damage control but it isn't going to work. As an aside, I've made it a personal mission to cost these dumbasses a helluva lot more that I lost. I know quite a few business owners in town, some since high school. I've found a company with a better rate and service and if any of my friends happen to be with Crescent, I promise you they will lose those accounts.

Company: Crescent Processing Company
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Phone: 18006184428
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