Ameriquest Mortgage Company
Ripoffs, liars, cheats, shame on you! I am fed up, mad as H!

Business & Finance

My husband and I refinanced with Ameriquest and the nightmare began. All I can say is that the people who work for this company are heartless. I hope the pending lawsuit puts them out of business.

We sent in our mortgage payments, they say they never got them. They foreclosed on us without giving us any kind of notice. We have called them, no-one calls back. We had no idea that they were in the process of a forclosure. We have never received one thing in the mail from them regarding a foreclosure.

In July of this year we received a letter from them stating our mortgage payment was going up 16.00, then in Sept. A realtor shows up on our porch with an envelope saying she is there to help us with our move. What. We have our attorney's involved at this time, but at the present we do not own our home, or know who does. Ameriquest. Sold our home in August.

I am fed up, mad as H! And I am not going to let them get away with this.

Anyone who has dealt with this disgusting company do what you have to do to put them out of business.
God Bless you all.

Company: Ameriquest Mortgage Company
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: P.o. box 11000 Santa Ana Ca. 92711-1000
Phone: 18004305262
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