Class V Promotions
Triple M Events, Apple Unlimited, etc. Multi Level MArketing Scheme or Standing in Front of Gas Stations Hocking Cheap Merchandise

Business & Finance

I am writing this report in hopes of aiding some of us who are seeking employment in these hard economic times. I am a student and I found this job listing on my college website. The name of the company is Class V (5) Promotions. They are advertising for entry Level Marketing positions. Now let me tell you why you should not respond to this listing.

The first thing that raised a red flag was the contact information. The person listed as a contact for the job interview is named "Gus", well there is no "Gus". When I called the number for an interview and asked for him the young lady who answered the phone stuttered and seemed to try to grasp for words and compose herself. She eventually came up with "Gus stepped out for awhile, but I can help you." Well I didn't let this phase me too much and proceeded to ask about the job position. The young lady asked me to come in for an interview and I agreed. Now here is where it gets interesting.

When I arrived at the address I couldn't find the suite or company name. Eventually I called the company and they said someone would step out of the door. Some shaggy haired guy named "Nathan Natvig" waved me over. I got in the office and proceeded to fill out a half-ass application; there were a good many people there for an interview. When I was filling out the application I noticed the office or lack there of. The office was setup to make a quick entrance and exit should the need arise.
It was filthy and not business like what so ever. While I was waiting the "receptionist" was cold calling people, using a variety of names, who posted resumes on many of the popular online job sites. If you look at these job listings the contact info varies from Gus, Mike, Andy, Alexa, Erin, etc. After about 15 minutes I get called in for an interview.

The person giving the interview was the same shaggy haired guy that was playing "look out" at the door. He pitched me his marketing speech and told me about 2 companies, FW1 and Coast to Coast Auto glass, that they did business for. The speech sounded OK and he had photos, not very believable photos now that I think about it, to go with it. He told me they are looking for individuals for entry level marketing management positions. Now let me translate what he really meant. He is looking for people to hire so that they can open another location with a fake name and hock products in that area. After the speech he told me that he would get with his "assistant manager" and call me back for a second interview. So I left skeptical about getting a call from them.

It turned out that they were interested in me and called me back relatively soon. They wanted me to come in the next day to spend about an hour with a "trainer" and I accepted. That night while thinking about the possible job, I decided to do a little checking. I cross referenced addresses, telephone number, names, and contact information and what I found was disturbing. This company is pretty good at hiding itself and it has good reason to do so. They are a pyramid scheme and want to teach people, with little or no pay, how to setup there own pyramid for the company. What they do is set up shop outside gas stations, pharmacies, fast food joints, etc. And hock merchandise. The two companies I mentioned before, FW1 and Coast to Coast, have no need for Class V Promotions or they are working hand in hand. FW1 is sold in auto chain stores and therefore has no need for this "marketing" company.

Basically Class V Promotions is trying to squeeze money out of people in these very hard economic times. You probably won't get paid or make very little if you accept a position with this company. You can probably already guess that I didn't show up for the second interview and they didn't call to find out why. What I did do was contact my college; who, with law enforcement, is now doing an investigation for false advertisement amongst other things. I hope this report helped and I plan on doing this for another other companies I come across.

Company: Class V Promotions
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Columbia
Address: 2611 Forest Dr., Suite 102
Phone: 8036617340
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