The State Insurance Fund
State Insurance Fund ripoff Not paying compensation in full, held money on me that took a lawyer a tear to get. They act if they're the ones paying me out of their pockets

Business & Finance

I have been paid partial disability when in fact I should be getting full. I am still being treated for a back injury that resulted in surgery. I have multi-level degenerating disc disease, which may require more surgery. I am still out of work and haven't gotten a check since 7/03. They owe me several months of back pay at full disability, which I probably won't get. The case worker, Angela Minkler, has been very rude even to my surgeon's secretary. They act if they're the ones paying me out of their pockets. I hope I can get compensated for the grief, and going broke if not starving.

Company: The State Insurance Fund
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Albany
Address: 15 Computer Drive West
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