Sallie Mae
Stolen Tax refund

Business & Finance

Sallie Mae is resting on my duty return! On Dec. 13th, I've been informed by Sallie Mae, a of prior consumers were improperly put into the treasury off set plan, leading to Lord understands just how many individuals' discounts being removed from their website incorrectly. Because the quantity can be used for protection concerns and such, I will just state it had been more than $2000. I've been calling daily since Jan 29th, my anticipated reimbursement deposit day, and daily somebody informs me another evening the check is likely to be within the email. They WOn't return my cash and that I am dropping my vehicle and my transport to college and also to function. I'm a landscaper and that I rely on my duty reimbursement as revenue throughout the sluggish winter season. After I am called back again to work-in a few months, I'll need to decrease when I won't have transport.By 2/18 they're informing me they'll mail-me OUR money next Thursday. That's too late to get resources to create my LAST vehicle cost, and that I may shed my california

R consequently. I have had it-up to listen to with this specific non sense and I wish my remark reaches somebody, I wish someone has already established exactly the same encounter, and I hoe to LORD there's some kind fo legitimate motion I - can consider due to their 'pc problem'. I believe the shattered Sallie Mae is making attention and trading our money in short selling shares to be able to create a quick-buck, but who understands? Who cares? I'd like my money recently!!!

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
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