Household bank
HSBC Online payment scams

Business & Finance

What a scam! I went to pay a credit card payment online on Friday and the earliest that my payment will be posted is on MONDAY... 3 days later. So in order to avoid a $39.00 late fee I have to now pay a bogus $15.00 "Rush Fee" so my payment is posted today as my due date is on Sunday. All of this is on top of paying 29.46% in finance charges.

Additionally, how can payments be due on a Sunday anyway? This is total crap! I have already destroyed my credit card and cannot wait to pay these jerks off and have them out of my life.

Company: Household bank
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: PO Box 88000
Phone: 8004771024
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HSBC Card Services
Ripoff Charging fees to pay ON TIME

HSBC (Household Bank)
Rush Payment Fee Ripoff Due Date

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Household Bank CC Scam - "Rush Fee" for Paying on the Date the Bill is Due

Household Bank
Fraudulent rush payment fee usa usa

Falsifying due dates for credit card payments

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Household Bank Credit Card
Avoid household bank! Paid off card for good credit and they posted a two payments back three weeks late! Boston

Best Buy
BestBuy charged me 29.00 late fee for online payment because of due date being on a weekend

Bank Of America
BEWARE of your BofA due dates - Will force you into paying early or charge you