Massage Envy

Business & Finance

My spouse and that I have subscriptions in the Water Oaks Massage Envy in Houston, Texas. I've had two or three prepaids utilized by a person within their shop in Plymouth Minnesota and also have been not able to possess the issue fixed.

I needed to stop my account and also have all prepaids on my spouse's consideration and people obtained from me on my bill attributed to my charge card. If this isn't completed within thirty days I'll document a scam claim from the organization.

I had been billed for that visit despite the fact that I'd prepays due me. The shop in Schertz, texas stated somebody in Plymouth Minnesota has utilized my prepays and that I would need to function it out with my associate shop in Water Oaks in Houston. No body appears to wish to assist me and that I think you're managing a fraudulent activity. Who owns the Schertz shop confronted me and also the Water Oaks area wont contact me. I do want to stop my contract and that I need one to return my costs.

The shop redunded my cost however they ended my other prepaids.

The corporation is just a large rip off!

Company: Massage Envy
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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Unauthorized use of credit card

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Cannot get out of a contract

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Contract Terms

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Losing prepaid massages following cancellation

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Cares only about $

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Terrible business practices