Fast Blog Zone additional charges not disclosed at time of sign up

Business & Finance

I saw an offer online to learn how to make money online... The offer had an individual from a small nearby town so I thought it would be a good chance. I read the terms and the amount for service was small only $2.97 so I thought for that amount I will give it a try. Just 4 days later I went to pay my credit card and saw a charge for $74.97 plus foreign transaction fees and a charge from another company called findmoneytoday that had charged me 19.97 I was outraged and so I called the company # and of course they speak broken english and I find out they are located in the UK. After several conversations with different non english speaking people who all pretty much state the exact same speach in the same tone I realize they are trained well to rip people off and refuse any type of refund but they all ended with the same statment rest assure mam we have canceled your subscription and you will not be billed any more charges... On a better note I contacted the other company for the $19.97 fee and someone who did speak english and was located in CA was able to refund me the $19.97 so he says I guess I will have to see if it happens in a few days but the original terms from onlineblog said nothing about signing up for any other services and mentioned nothing about any additional fees after the $2.97 Major Ripoff I will be contacting my credit card company to see if they can help me dispute these charges.

Company: Fast Blog Zone
Country: USA
Address: 19 dunelm way
Phone: 8882066156
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