Freedom Subscription, UniGuard Membership
Wrote out checks with my bank #s and withdrew funds that I did not sign for

Business & Finance

These people need to get a life and leave people alone. I will file a lawsuit agaist them. This is not right to go into someone's bank act. And take funds. (made checks with my bank's #s on them). I applied for a payday loan online and never went through on getting one and this is how they obtained my info on my bank act. And there are third partys here as well. Beware and watch out for yourself and your family with people like this.

The amounts that they will take from your act. Are 49.95 for one and 19.95 for the sec. So we didnt get just one overdraft fee but two.

Company: Freedom Subscription, UniGuard Membership
Country: USA
Address: 8550 West Desertion Way, Suite 102-381, Las Vegas Nevada
Phone: 8778901250
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