Sears Citi bank credit card
Rip offs -liars - scammers - piss poor customer service - thieves - crooks - deceitful - deceptive - con artists!

Business & Finance

Listen to me everyone... Take this piece of wisdom! Do not get a sears card or a citi bank card! You will pay you will pay dearly!
Ok this is the deal. My wife and I have been struggling with our Sears/Citi Bank card. We got one at Sears thinking it was pretty sweet we got a card w / $3000 limit just starting out. This was 3 years ago. Since day one we have been in a dreadful nightmare of their screw ups and incompitance. We are litterally at thier mercy.
Our first card we recieved we were guaranteed a rate of 11.295% and it was in writing. Also we were to have 1 year no interest paid. Well let me tell you something... They lied. Our interest rate started at 21.289% and that was with a credit score of 790, no delinquencies, double payments every month, no missed payments and several years of perfect credit. So this was quite an irritation to begin with. Every ourschase we made we had kept a close eye on. We made our payments a few times and thats when the real trouble began. They started to over charge us. After a year of the mess they killed our card with out cause. After hours of arguing with a bunch of foreigners that could barely speak english and being hung up on a few times when they were caught in their own lie we managed to get our account back up. No because they did what they did it reset our account and we got hit (before the year was up) with over $300 in finance charges. Then they added interest on top of that finance charge and said it was being charge for the month it was posted. So we got 2 interest charges of an astronomical amount. Then if that was not bad enough they over charged that interest. We still can not understand where in the hell they cam up with the numbers they did. After arguing again for another several hours they closed the account down again. Now mind you, every time they closed the account down all the information that was on that account now is gone. So of coarse after we got our account back AGAIN they played stupid and we were made AND told we were liars and trying to scam them. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I have not even begun to get into it yet. They now have increase our interest rate to 29.995% and dropped our credit limit from $3000 to $2800. What the "F"? My wife has PERFECT credit! We have NEVER missed a payment, we have ALWAYS been on time and we have ALWAYS made more then the asked amount of payment not to mention that we have paid the card off several time. So you tell me why the hell are they acting like a bunch of ignorant "F"ing punks when we are the PERFECT and the MODEL customer? We are the type of person credit card companies DREAM of getting. So there is NO reason for this. Now we are still battling Sears/Citi bank about the financial screw ups they have continually done to our account from day one. It is more then frustrating to speak with a person that can barely speak english and cuts you off in sentence and over talks you when you are speaking. Then they just hang the phone up when irritation kicks in with them after more then an hour of being disrespected and being called a liar a bad customer etc. WE ARE THE PERFECT CUSTOMERS! Quite frankly if it wasn't wrong or illegal I would stab them all in the throat with an American flag and rape Sears/Citi Bank with the same worthless card they gave us.
We have NEVER gotten the issues resolved and for whatever reason we still have the damn thing. I figured we will use it at this point and when I have gotten enough points I will take the gift card and throw this card in the trash. This company is WORTHLESS! Trying to get clear and decisive information from these people is a challenge and getting your issues resolved will NEVER happen. Still to this day they are still hitting us with interest on a interest charge we already paid. They can not justify all the charges they have hit us with and when they get caught in their own lies they hang the "F"ing phone up. Man that fry's me up. They are lucky I do not know where they are or I would go to them face to face and deal with those bastards eye to eye. We have been taken advantage of time and time again. We have been milked for everything we have and we are being forced to pay more. Hey morons... YOU CAN'T GET APPLE JUICE FROM AN ORANGE YOU IDIOTS! We have almost nothing left. The interest payments are insane! And from what I have been told they are probably going up even more. If you make the minumal payments you will never get the card paid off. And thats because they have raised everyones rates so high. My parents card went up and they had the same problems with these crooks so they pulled out money from their HELOC and paid the card off, call sears, canceled the card and cut the cards up. Yeah and even after they paid the cards off they came after them with ridiculous commands of having to pay them even more after the cards were paid off. Said it was interest accrude during that month. However the dates NEVER matched up. They were charging interest on money that was NEVER there and after an addition billing cycle.instead of fighting they just paid them the money they asked and were done with it. "F" that. I would have told them to stick it up their "A". However my parents said they could fight it but Sears/Citi would just go after their credit so it was not worth it.
So that is the tip of the ice berg. I wont go on any more but you get the point. PLEASE PEOPLE!!! TAKE MY ADVICE AND DO NOT GET THIS CARD!
Please someone help put this company out!

If there is someone out there who would like to help us out we would love the help because this is awful! Someone needs to do something about this terrible company and the illegal activity and business they are doing!

I hope this helps everyone out.

Company: Sears Citi bank credit card
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Address: P.O. Box 6275
Phone: 8006698488
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