Bb & T
Branch bank and trust nsf fee scam, check hold scam, withdrawl hold scam

Business & Finance

BB&T banks are ripping off the consumer by manipulating the processing order of checks, deposits, and withdrawal holds. They also changed the way they handle checks that are deposited. They use to give you full credit for the check at processing time. Now they release $100.00 only and then the remainder at 6:00A.M. Everyone knows that a banks processing time is midnight. Isn't it convenient that they release the remainder of the deposited check at 6:00A.M. It is for the sole purpose of making NSF fees. BB&T also process's checks that you have written from the highest to the lowest amount. This is also to make more NSF Fees. If they were an honest bank then they would process from smallest to highest. I asked the account verification dept. Rep why they would process from highest to lowest (I already knew the answer) but he was not able to give a reason. Imagine that. When I told him the reason was regarding NSF fees I was told that I was entitled to my opinion.

Company: Bb & T
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Virginia beach
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