Bank of America & Wachovia
In Cahoots! Drained my CHekcing account to fatten their pockets and higher ups on Phoney OD/Unavailable Funds Fees!

Business & Finance

I am looking to make some change! These 2 banks have stolen my money long enough!
I am looking for a class Action against these 2 banks and looking to get the legislation to change the way these 2 banks are operating under these fees! These are not legitimate and We are not going to take it anymore!
If I have money in my account and the bank still cleans out OD fees for items in which I AM NOT overdrawn, how is that legitimate? How is it possible when my employer banks with Bank of America, and I get my employer Direct Deposit advice on the 10/16/09, why did I not receive my Direct Deposit until 10/21/09?
How can I be overdrawn on 10/20 when I have hundreds of dollars in my account? This HAS TO STOP! Trim your fat in the collection department! Stop strangling me for cash, I need it!

Company: Bank of America & Wachovia
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: B of A : POB 37176, San Francisco 94137
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Wachovia Bank
Predatory fee practice

Wachovia Bank Of NC
Wachovia's practice of maxing out same day overdraft fees is the same as Bank of America, whicn just lost a huge class action lawsuit, with Wachovia now headed for the same class action scenario

Bank Of America
Overdraft fees, holds on deposits, excessive fees

Wachovia Bank

Wachovia Bank, NA
Bank Charging Insane Fees!

Bank Of America
Unfair practice

Bank Of America
Ripoff fees and practices. Please post Alternatives Nationwide

Wells Fargo
Banks are there to make money, people... Deal with it! Everywhere!

Bank Of America
Undocumented Fees overdraft fees when there are no overdrafts listed on statement

Bank Of America
Too Big to Fail Bank Account Fees, Savings account fees, Stealing money