Masters of the Month
Can't terminate program

Business & Finance

In my opinion once-upon a period, I plumped for an effort 'free' or '$1.00' present and also have been charged, against my will, regular since. I have created many efforts to stop and obtain a reimbursement out of this con artist. The unsubscribe telephone number is hectic, with no live person actually replies. The web site that you're aimed to offers the same ineffective contact info. The underside-point is you're within an endless cycle of not having the ability to stop the membership.

I approached my lender and submitted a fake money state; they acknowledged back 8 weeks, just many months later to re-post the phony fees.

These men are 'continuity plan' experienced thieves. They suck-you in, as well as in my situation, began a delicate and late payment plan that we just observed many months later. I've not utilized their item, have just occasionally obtained via email, and am livid they've guarded themselves from any immediate customer contact. At first glance they 'conform' having a contact plan, however in truth they are doing nothing.

Please include any remarks towards the Facebook website and make use of the hashtag #marketingscams for almost any articles.

Anybody understand how to close this vampire support along?

Company: Masters of the Month
Country: USA
State: California
City: Oceanside
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Blazing Keywords
Unfair Business Practices

Acai Berry Maxx
Cannot get a full refund, minus shipping and handling charges

Wellness Watchers MD
Health, Nutritional, Medical

Macy's Credit Care
Late Fees

Bogus Charges

Boost Mobile
Unlimited phone plan

Stram Energy
Billing and Customer Service
Trials are scams
Deceptive offer on website