Blazing Keywords
Unfair Business Practices

Internet & Web / Online Scam

This Type Of Person incredible.

First the catch... Guarantees of work from home having a desire salary after which they lay and state it's free!

You then are aimed to some connect to an internet site to sign-up FREE OF CHARGE to obtain this excellent data

You then are billed a little charge to "provide" the program

They let you know many weeks later you will be charged monthly for over $70 bucks instantly but when you intend to stop you might email or contact.

They do not reply the communications!

THEREFORE Today you've just a few choices

1. Stop the card they plan to bill to.

2. Find your lender to concern a brand new bill number and card.

3. Get crazy looking to get them to cancel your membership

I've been looking to get this solved for all months today WITH NO ONE ACTUALLY REPLIES THE TELEPHONE

I still have yet to find out the title of the particular company I'm being scammed by

Avoid these SECRETS

I'm likely to my lawyer very first thing tomorrow to determine if your notice from his lawyer may reduce any water with one of these thieves!!!

Company: Blazing Keywords
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Palm Beach Gardens
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Government Grants CD

Fradulent Charges

Charged me $12.95 for a free credit report

Blazing Keywords
Unauthorized Charges
E cigarettes
This has got to be the most unethical, unscrupulous company that I have ever dealt with

Nature-acai berry
Unauthorized Charges

Corso and Rhude
Terrible Service

Blazing Keywords
BeWare Blazing Keywords is a Total Rip OFF Springville Utah

Mike Warren
No real support