Fairbanks Capital
Ripoff business from hell scam con artists

Business & Finance

I was a victom of this company since 1997 when we refinanced our home - it was at that time called IMC and over time became Fairbanks however we all know they are still one and the same.

To make a long familiar story short, we ran into some issues in 1999 and fell ebhind 2 months - when I attempted to rectify this situation, they dragged their feet for over 5 months, causing us to go into the beginning of the foreclosure process.

Since they make it impossible for anyone to refinance you, we would up paying them over $12,000 and were put into a forebearance agreement - needless to say, the charges kept racking up and racking up - I was one day late with a payment due to the New Years Holiday and I could not get to a Fedex drop off (that is how I sent the payments so I had some sort of proof that the payment was received on such and such a date) and they put us back into foreclosure - this was this past January.

We were fortunate enough to be able to sell the property in April of this year and "Fair"banks attorney here in New Jersey, FeinSuch et cetera gave my attorney the amount that was due - when you are in foreclosure you cannot get the figure from the mortgage company, it must come from the attorney - as an aside, at one point Fairbanks tried to tell us that the figure they wanted was over $8000 higher than the payoff we got from the attorney - they had kindly added a section called unpaid other fees for approx. $8000 - the check was sent to their attorney and the property was sold.

Today a representative from this fine organization called my home and informed my 8 year old daughter that the payment of $2700 they received was not enough to cover the mortgage payment this month (?) and that I needed to call them asap which I naturally did - and proceeded to inform the buffoon who was at the computer today to get in touch with their fair legal team, correct their records and to cease and desist ever calling my house or place of employment again - we are done, the house is sold - I also sent them a fax with the same information, copied to their attorneys.

This afternoon a UPS Letter arrived from "fair"banks informing us yet again that the loan was not fully satisfied and that interest would continue to accrue until it was paid.

Tomorrow I shall yet again send a letter to them and to their lawyers informing them that I may have been stupid for dealing with them at one time, but I am not a special kind of stupid that I would need to be to pay them one more red cent.

I just thought I would share this latest chapter in this nightmare. How this kind of practice can be allowed to continue in this country is beyond me.

Thanks for listening.

Company: Fairbanks Capital
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 3815 South West Temple
Phone: 8883626032
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