Poor customer service and handling of unavailable funds charges

Business & Finance

I wanted to take a moment to write and express my great disappointment in the Wachovia's customer service and handling of unavailable funds charges & deposit holds. I have had several banks in my lifetime and like most people have had issues from time to time but never have I been so outraged or disgusted by one as I am in Wachovia. I have also filed a complaint with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to try and prompt a Congressional investigation and I hope others will follow my lead.

I am have repeatedly been charged fees for items that were paid for with my debit visa card and the funds were there and immediately taken out of my available balance. Their processing of transactions is handled to make the most money they can and in no way for the benefit of their customers. This past weekend we went away and as always I lived via my debit visa card and as always the funds were there and immediately taken out of my available balance. My fault but I completely forgot about an car insurance payment that was to hit on Monday.

Wachovia decided to pay the car insurance payment even though the funds were not in my available balance and charge my $490 in fees for all my transactions from over the weekend. I spoke to customer service and asked for them to explain to me why if the available funds were not there to cover the car insurance payment would they pay it and not simply return it and charge me the $35 fee and then I would never have been charged the $490 in fees. Heir response was because I was a valued customer!!! Are they kidding with that??? They also gave me back their customary 20% of fees back, what a gift. I highly suggest everyone run not walk away from this bank and open an account anywhere else. I am sure the devil has a better bank available in hell.

Company: Wachovia
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 8009224684
Site: www.wachovia.com
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