Can they do this Ripoff

Business & Finance

I have banked with Wachovia for several years and do maintain a register. However, I also occassionally make a mistake.

Last week I failed to record a payment to my telephone company. As a result, I had a total of 8 small debit purchases presented against insufficient funds. For these 8 transactions I have been charged a total of $385.00 in "overdraft/unavailable funds fees" on 3 different dates. $175.00 on 10/16/06, $105.00 on 10/17/06 and $105.00 on 10/18/06.

Spoke with customer service twice last night and ended both calls frustrated with their inability to answer my questions and honestly feeling quite sorry for the poor, ignorant souls. I don't understand how a corporation the size of Wachovia can justify having untrained employees staffing their call center. Today I visited a branch to discuss, in person, my account. For 3 of the overdrafts they charged me twice. As per her explanation, I was assessed a fee at the time of purchase when the funds were placed on hold and another fee when the merchant actually batched out their transactions.

I have no issue with paying fees I owe for these transactions. I screwed up and now I have to eat it. However, as specified in Wachovia's most recent (June 9) schedule of fees; the charge for "Insufficient Funds/Unavailable Funds/Overdrafts, per check or other item, point-of-sale transaction or other electronic transaction... $30.00". I should have total fees of $240.00.

Please let me know if I am looking at this the wrong way or if I am indeed being robbed.

Thank you

Company: Wachovia
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 1525 West W. T. Harris Blvd
Phone: 8009224684
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