Prime One
Aka Credit Repair Ricky Garcia that dirty SOB's

Business & Finance

I got a call from a ricky garcia at 8 in the evening he said i had been apoved for a unsecured mastercard he told me he was calling from primeum bank and he was my financil adviser and i would get me card within 15 days.

All i needed to do is pay a one time fee of $187 and it would be like paying nothing becuse the money would be refunded to me after i get my first bank statment i Qustioned him alittle and he got wierd and said if i was interested or not he said if i don't apply i would have no credit and could never apply i maybe stupid but not that much i told him to call back later and i would think about it after a while he called me and i said i was'nt home.

After a while he gave up and stoped calling. I went on the internet and seached the site when i saw all this complants i almost had a heart attack i thank god i didn't fall for it.

Company: Prime One
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 220 West 19st
Phone: 4165421611
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Prime One Benefits
Ripoff New York

Prime One Financial

Prime One Benefits
Fradulent advertisement for credit cards

Prime One - Ricky Garcia

Prime One
I got hip and got on their nerves

Prime One Benefits
Ripoff These people are liars and thieves

Prime Resort Rentals
Big fat liars and con artist RIPOFF they don't have a buyer for your timeshare, they will take your 400 bucks and you will never hear from them again. Prime Resort Rential is the devil. Do not deal with them

Prime One Financial Aka Prime One Benefits
Ripoff evil dirt bags dirty SOB's decieving innocent people

Prime One Benefits Aka Prime One Financial
Ripoff This company called me guaranteed $2000 mastercard and didn't delive

Prime One Benefits - Prime One Financial