Prime One Benefits Aka Prime One Financial
Ripoff This company called me guaranteed $2000 mastercard and didn't delive

Business & Finance

I was promised a $2000 mastercard. I asked what the catch was they of course said there was no catch and that all I had to do was agree to have $197 processing fee deducted from my account. I did this May 24th. One month later and several phone calls later I receive a packet in the mail and was told I needed to fill out this form so they can then apply for a card for me.

After filling out the form I am then told that the $2000 credit limit was my misunderstanding and that it will be up to $1000 through Orchard Bank / Household finance.

I already have a CC with this company so when I made contact with them to find out the status, they tell me they have never heard of this company and they are not affiliated with them.

So I call the so called benefit company back and ask them when will I receive my card, they tell me 7-10 business days. That the application was processed June 24th. I still don't have a card, Orchard bank now tells me that last year about this same time it was a scam from Ontario Canada. They were sued several times and the process stopped until just recently. I have attempted to contact the BBB in New York and will file a complaint with them once I do get in contact.

Do not allow these people to take money out of your account. If you qualify with them for a card you can qualify through other places. Apply with the others. Don't fall for this scam.

I had second thoughts when i pulled up this information but went with the so called honesty of the operators who told me they have thousands of satisfied customers.

Big big scam...

Company: Prime One Benefits Aka Prime One Financial
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 363 7th Ave
Phone: 4165421611
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