Bank Of America
Ripoff outlandish ripoff late fees

Business & Finance

I have had a 5 year lease with B of A since 1998 and it's almost up. B of A has me down for being late on my payments 10 times in the last 3 years. I have only been late once. After they stated playing this game with me I started making my payments at the bank so I would get a receipt which states the date on it for my protection.

Bank of America continues to do this every 2 or 3 months. I have asked them to send me a printout of all the times I was supposedly late. They would say "ok we will send it to you", didn't receive it. After a couple of weeks of waiting e-mails and letters, nothing. This went on for 6 months. One of the managers I spoke to said he would at least dismiss the late fee for that month, he didn't. I finally spoke to a manager named Kelley she acctually seemed like she was interested in helping me and did send out the print out, but since then there has been more late fees added on.

So it looks like I'll have to take B of A to court for over $1,000 in late fees that were not late. I'm gathering my bank statements, checks, other info, including the new dates they say I now owe.

I also had a checking account several years ago with my ex-wife and when we went to close the account, they acted like we were robbing the place. All the tellers looked at us and the manager was asking 20 questions about why we were closing the account. We were puzzled by their reaction. The manager tried to get us to open seperate accounts we refused because we already had other accounts at other banks and no longer needed an other account.

The bank people looked shocked and wouldn't let up. I told them I have closed accounts before at other banks and all they did was ask why, I gave my answer and that was it. (Back Furthermore, I stated that I was tired of them draging this out, it was none of there business as to what I do with my money. The manager reluctently gave us our money and all the workers staired at us as we left the bank. It was creepy.

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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