Cedarview Lending Group
Donald wall, tim phillips miss lead me and took all the money i had

Business & Finance

I recieved a phone call from Donald Wall advising me I had been approved for a loan of $5,000. And this sounded great seeing I was falling behined on my bills due to being on disability. He told me I would have to send them a security deposit worht the first 5 months of what the payment would be. I agreed and he faxed me the paper work to sign and send back to them, I did this and then called him back as he asked me to, and I sent him the money via Money Gram to a person named Doreen Walsh in Canada, this made me a bit concerned but being in the vunrible state I was in I just went ahead and did it, I wish now that I would of listened to that little voice that was telling me this is not a good idea. Anyway later that night I was chatting with a friend telling her about it and she said I should try and research the company as it sounded to good to be true, and that research brought me to this site as well as other with info on how they had been ripped off by Cedarview Lending Group. My heart sank and I felt sick when I saw the story after story of others being taken for all or most of there money. The next morning like clock work I got a call just like everyone else telling me that I would need to send them another $500.00 in order for them to complete the loan process they told me it had be rereviewed by the insurerance company they work with and they had to have that additional deposit... I told him absolutly not, and I knew that when he told me where he was calling from that it was the scam they were pulling on hundrad of people, This man Tim Phillips, at that moment became rude and hostile and told me well I am the one who decides if you get your deposit back, I asked him that becuase I called him out on there decetfull practices you are going to threaten me he said NO that I was insulting his integreaty, I said what ever just send me my money, he said that he would get it to me by like yesterday and still nothing I called him again, he said it would be next week now. I will probably never see that money again. But if there is anyone out there who has been a victim of this company and would like to get together and take them down with a class action lawsuit let me know. Oh and also when I told him I knew they were a fake and that I had saw online the info about there company he said that most people will not leave there name or contact info on here because he could sue them for the slander of his company. LOL I just laughed at him, and told him it is freedom of speach sir. Needless to say he just stumbbled on his words. I just hope that others read this info before they get stuck in this, I wish I would of.

Take care all

Queen Creek, Arizona

Company: Cedarview Lending Group
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
Phone: 8006905791
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Cedarview Lending Group -donald Wall/tim Phillips
Cedarview lending group -donald wall - tim phillips and the scam money gram receivers in canada ripped off a child of god this time. You have messed up! Avenue

Cedarview Lending Group
Tim Phelps, Lincoln S. Anderson And Donald Wall Scam out this world Cedarview Lending Group - Lowdown Crucks

David North-Cedarview Lending Group
Donald Wall, Lincoln S. Anderson (CEO) Extreme Rip-Off

Cedarview Lending Company
Basically told me I was approved for a 5,000 loan, I sent in 1,600 for a down payment as well as for the policy to be insured. Haven, t recieved anything into my account, it's been a week

David North - Cedarview Lending Group
Is a total rippoff. They are getting rich of your money

Cedarview Lending Group
Donald Wall And Tim Phillips Approve Loan, i Have The Document Always Came Up With And Excuse To Give Me The Loan Or Refund. Cedarview lending

Fairview Lending Group
Everyone beware of this so called lending company

Bridgestone Lending Group
Big scam

Avalon Lending Group
Report-daniel rodgers, allan dupot, peter wright from avalon lending group

Cedarview Lending Group
Frauded me in sending them money to get a loan