EMerge Mastercard Providian Financial
Abused & mistreated, ripoff business from hell deceptive company

Business & Finance

My wife and I had a Platinum Providian Visa with a limit of $8,500. This card (with Providian) was opened in the early 1990's and never had a late payment. We received a letter in the mail stating that the account had been transfered to eMerge Mastercard and that they were closing the account.

I immediately called and asked what the issue was and was told that the account would be closed. No other information, no explanation, NOTHING! I figured "screw them" and got a Citibank Platinum Visa and they gave me a limit of $10,500 right off the bat.

So, I have been making payments on the emerge account and finally wrote a check for a little over $3,000 to pay off the balance. I even called them before I wrote the check to find out the exact balance so I wouldn't have to deal with them again. Then the next month, I get another bill for around $70 for "interest." I called their "customer service" number (yeah right, what a bunch of morons who don't understand English) to find out what the story was. I was told that the interest continued to accrue daily until the check clears. Yes, that's right, clears, not received, but cleared. WHAT A SCAM!

I send 3 different emails to the email address provided in the statement and received no reply other than "we received your email and will respond within 48 hours..."

After numerous phone calls where I was hung up on, I decided it wasn't worth my time and wrote a check. Then I get another bill for the interest on the interest... Now I am getting pissed. After a screaming match with their "customer service" I write another check for the interest PLUS an additional $5 so that they cannot try to come back with more interest. Now they send me a bill for $35 and call it a late payment charge, since the payment was due on a holiday and the drop box wasn't opened until the next business day...

I am frickin' done with Providian and will tell everyone I know that they are a dishonest company and will screw you any chance they get.

Company: EMerge Mastercard Providian Financial
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: PO Box 105653
Phone: 8667053603
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Providian Visa AKA EMerge Mastercard
Providian Visa interest ripoff

Emerge Mastercard / Providian
Providian ripoff additional fees & sold my account to Emerge, yet Emerge is owned by Providian

Emerge Mastercard, Providian Visa
NO CHOICE BUT GETTING RIPPED OFF abused & mistreated ripoff business from hell

Providian - Emerge
Providian/Emerge ripoff - interest rates

Emerge Mastercard

Providian Emerge
Ripoff deceptive company

Providian Aka Emerge Mastercard
Providian Aka Getsmart Aka Emerge Mastercard ripoff cancelled card for no reason Internet

Providian Financial - (EMERGE MASTERCARD)
Providian Financial EMERGE MASTERCARD ripoff victimized many consumers Columbus

Emerge Mastercard
Providian Mastercard and thieves stole my money and lied to me

Emerge MasterCard
A Subsidiary Company Of Providian ripoff consumer rip-off fraud