Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business

Business & Finance

My mortgage was acquired by Fairbanks Capital Corporation and immediately I began to receive additions to the payment. I received demands for payment on the first of the month which is the due date; they did not wait for the mail or never bothered to check. I was told that I owed "late charges", "inspection fees", "attorney fees", "escrow payments", and "other fees". The list of "fees" they charged is too long to list and unable to be explained.

I was told that my mortage was in foreclosure two times and I submitted payments in excessive amounts of over $2400 and $3000 as demanded. I send an additional $200 to $300 with my payments but this is never reflected on their statement. The payment received always reflects $593. Also, I do not have an escrow on my mortgage account. BUT, I am fighting back! YOU CAN TOO!

I sent this report to, U.S. Dept. Of Jusitce Civil Enforcement Section Civil Rights Ave. 950 Pennsylvania N.W. Washington, DC 20530. I was advised to do this by Attorney General Ashcroft's office. Since this company operates in many states, it is an international offense. Record all conversations but inform them of recording. Keep receipts of payment, send by certified mail. Keep all billing statements. LETS Bring Them to JUSTICE!!!

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: P.O. Box 551170
Phone: 3528480790
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Fairbanks Capital
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