P. Scott Lowery Law Offices
Payment Schedule

Business & Finance

I had been approached by G. Scott Lowery Law Practices concerning financing which was in standard. They required I spend $2600 from the end-of the month. I described I really could not do this quantity, but was prepared to create payment per month within the amount of $150 via automated withdrawal. After much discussion within the cost quantity, they ultimately decided. I put up my funds. The very first two regular payments went good, however now, within the next month of funds, additionally they garnished my salary. I still have planned the automated cost and none of the prior funds were overdue or NSF. How could it be authorized in order for them to consider cash from my salary in addition to staying with the cost plans both parties decided? I also attempted to record onto the website using the bill amount they'd provided me formerly, which worked at that time. Today I can not actually record onto the website to see my bill. Appears to me anything is not very right-about this "Organization".

Company: P. Scott Lowery Law Offices
Country: USA
State: Delaware
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Millennium Loan Fund, LLC
Employee submitted wrong cash Payment agreed for payment

Nelnet (National Education Loan Network)
Poor Customer Service

P. Scott Lowery Law Offices
Downright Rude and Uncooperative

PSE&G Payment Collection Process

Bank of America
Loan Scam

US Airways credit card

HSBC / Beneficial
Predatory lenders

Implementing funds improperly & getting overdue charge!

American Express Collections Dept
Over paid collection account

P. Scott Lowery
Scott Lowery Law Offices P. Scott Lowery sends out FALSE credit collections www.lowerylawgroup.com/Denver Denver, Colorado