Educational Credit Management Corporation Tacketeer practices... Loves applying eveyrthing to internet so they can kept you in debt FOREVER!

Business & Finance

This company is a total rip off. I had very old student loans I had not been able to pay due to illness. I made arrangements for chapter 13 bankruptcy, they were garishing my little paycheck til my job fired me for illness, and taking my tax refunds.

Well, I finally ran in to some money in a settlement and paid off all my Chapter 13 debts 100%. These people got over $16k on the original debt of $7500. They applied ALL the money they got to interest and fees... And now are after me for an additional $7k.

I am NOT paying these sharks another penny... Someone needs to report them. These is loan sharking and racketeering!!!

You make 3 times the amount of money on a $7500 loan. Sounds like time for class action suite with this idiots.

The people you speak with are the usual nasty attitude crass bill collectors. You ask for written proof of the debt and all action taken on the debt... They tell you lady this loan is old! Yes I know that MORON!!! I want to see where all these fees and such have balloon too. You get a copy of your promissary note and that is it.

My lawyer is hot of this one... I hope others are doing the same. You may also want to check out the new dept of Ed rules on loan forgiveness and Income sensitive payment plans. Though... I would not recommend any payment plan with these bozoos! Just pay it off... in full. But beware. I got a payoff to get a bill a few months later asked for an additional $7k!

Company: Ecmc
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
Address: 7325 Beaufont Springs Drive Suite 200
Phone: 8007847997
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